Sunday, April 29, 2012

4:08 PM

BENEFITS OF TECHNOLOGY (Manfaat of Teknologi) 

History of human civilization shows, in the first human to meet its needs doing human extractive acquisitions (extractive), namely hunting, picking fruit or fish or salt. During this era practically no processing facilities (technology). result of game and fish may only be burned. Techniques kindle fire is very simple, but maybe it was the beginning of the technology. from the experience of practical techniques, human technology to increase the "human farmers (agricukturist). In this era humans began planting crops, making the cage to keep the prey animal or pond to keep the fish catch.

Techniques to preserve plants and animals and agricultural preservation techniques from known and developed. Simple definition for the term technology is "processing of raw materials." "O congregation jinn and men, if you are willing to pass (cross) of heaven and earth, then penetrate, you can not penetrate except by force." Technology is advancing rapidly in the era of "human Industry / industrist" in the 18th century and continues to evolve in the era of modern humans and super modern.

During early development, the industrial revolution did not require resources that complicated / large, such as a complicated science policy and process higher education. Yet the industrial revolution in the 18th century from the creativity of many individuals. contrast to the process of technological innovation is happening now, modern science, industry and community institutions and trigger a strong motivator for designing a new technology. technologies continues to grow as disabilities can meet the wearer / consumer. fulfillment in the case of expanding the concept of quality consumer satisfaction. Reconstruction of the concept of quality has a meaning that is limited regarding the reliability and success of the function and mamfaat ketidakgagalan in providing the goods or service charge. Yet now, the concept of quality is a measure of consumer satisfaction and evaluating what adds interest from production to consumers. Quality is no longer limited to monitoring the quality at the end of the production process, but necessary in the process since the planning process. In the production planning process known as the "integrated production planning" that is thought to include a critical consideration of all the stages after production that includes the manufacture, stage setup, packing, distribution, sale, use, repair, maintenance, and the time-worn and resikling . Technology tools developed to facilitate the work of the jobs. Value analysis, program setup, analysis of the influence of failure (malfunction) continue to be developed. Expansion is performed by the planner (designer] working more and while it was flying back plan and expansion strategy forward, so there adagium "relentless innovation" or concurrent engineering.

Quraish Shihab (1994) mentions the technology is knowledge about how to apply science to take advantage of nature for human well-being and comfort. technologies become a very important tool in science, which is to collect data, measurement, treatment and transport of computerized sample researchers, such as transportation to a location that is difficult (expedition to Antarctica, the planet Mars, the bottom of the ocean). Technologies becomes the tools, the eyes and ears of knowledge even into his muscles, sepefti in developing climatology or weather forecasts, availability of electronic devices, computers, radar and satellite became the mainstay in weather prediction and analysis. benefit nano technology mentioned among the smaller the particle surface there will be a wider. electricity structure will also be changed significantly, either in nature or in the nature of the activity katalitiknya agresifitas chemical reaction. Traditional polymers can be enhanced with nano-particles will produce comfortable clothing, soft goods bobotnya can replace metal berat.Teknologi have a great influence on human life.

The broader benefits of technology can be summarized in the nature of human, in a short,  benefit of technology are as follow:
1.Teknologi cultivate knowledge and contribute to knowledge.
2.Technology search combines knowledge with practical values​​.
3.Teknologi planned on condition of nobles in consideration of various interests (consider the benefits and
4 Technology requires strong oversight.
5 Technology cause side effects that

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