Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8:34 PM

 Cultivation and Production in Village

Cultivation and Production in VillageRice fields are cultivated not simultaneously, Figure shows rice plants are flowering and estimated within 4 weeks the rice is mature and ready to be harvested, while Figure 5 here showing the newly planted rice filed (about 2 week after being planted). There are 6 weeks different in planting time.

This is the indication that cultivation of paddy is not all at the same planting-time. This regulation is adapted and scheduled by Agriculture Office Service of this District. Simultaneous planting makes the supply of limited irrigation water insufficient, but this policy make farmers to intensively control the weed and pest and deceases outbreaks.

Figure  shows wood as production of the hilly village. The wood is harvested for preparing material of low risk building. It is belong to the third class wood, even the wood is utilized to supply the pulp factories to produce particle board or paper. The harvest age of the wood (Albazia falcata) is 5-8 years. The wood is planted in hilly area, and it is cultivated in poly culture system. It is a system where more that 2 kinds of plants are growing at the same field with arrangement of planting spaces.

There is a main plant, and other are temporary plants. The main plant is harvested the latest, while the temporary plants are growing later and harvested sooner. Main plants are mostly wider spaced, and the temporary plants are growing in between. This system of poly-culture will save soil from erosion, because there is no space uncovered and opened to splash erosion by ticking of rainfall. Rainfall comes to the surface of land through the leaves, twigs, branches, stems/trunk of trees, an eventually stream gently to the soil. This mechanism of water reaches the soil will enhance percentage of infiltration water to soil, and water accumulate inside the soil, and the soil becomes water reservoir.

This reservoir will be very valuable in dry season, no small river or ditches in this area are dry or without water. this makes irrigation water supply for the whole seasons (rainy season and dry season). In dry season farmers grow vegetables and tubers which require less water supply. Cultivation and production Taro is tuber that fame in this area. The taro (tuber) which is produced in the village is special for being fried. It tastes more delicious when it is fried. This makes it different from taro which is produced in other district which is special for being boiled or steamed as taro that is produced in Bogor district.
Great and big potential for production in village , so that let avoid fire or village on fire or forest on fire that devastated the production potential. so please read the article on avoiding forest on fire.

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