Monday, August 18, 2014

9:13 PM
Why is Indonesian Food Stock 
Is So Unsecured

Why is Indonesian food stock is so unsecured for feeding the people.  There are factors influencing the availability of Indonesian food Stock and supply:

1.    Low productivity of land

2.    Narrowing  arable area for rice field due to land conversion to housing or industrial plant.

3.    Failure of harvest due to lack of water supply, pests or flood.

4.    Unstable supply of  farm production means as fertilizer (in time of growing, fertilizer disappear from the market, shortage or deed of speculators)

Low production of land may be caused by less educative of the most farmers. In 1984 Indonesia achieve rice self-sufficient, it was the result of the then  serious efforts of the government to develop agriculture sector.  More agricultural extension workers were recruited to help farmer cultivated their land in measuring fertilizer needed, planning planting schedule, etc. The attention of government  in agriculture was shifted to the unsuccessful high technological industry. The shifting attention to the industry sector made narrowing arable area. 

Drought and flood are the impact of unwise land use and the over exploitation of woods and forest.  Unplanned of deforestation cause run off and accelerated erosion in the upland area and flood in lowland area. In the dry season, no stream of water flow from the former rainfall catchment areas.

Farmers are always complaining about the disappear and the difficulty to buy fertilizer in time of they need it.   Indeed the fertilizer factories are also complaining about the lack of gas supply from Pertamina (the National Petroleum and Gas Corporation).  Gas is supplying material to nitrogen fertilizer, according to Winarno Tohir (2008) there is Constitution regulating the gas sales and utilization, stating Indonesian gas has been bound to foreign contract.  80 % export or sold to foreign country meet the contract and 20% for domestic utility. The contract was signed for certain period of time and it is not an easy problem to cancel or change the contract.

            Those factors make Indonesia find it is difficult to increase its food stock.   The food reserve  for secured supply is stock for 90 to 100 days consumption.  This duration is the same with a season of paddy cultivation..  Now, Indonesia has rice stock of 350.000 tons, while the safe stock should be 1 million tons.

            The enough supply of food stock owned by the government ensures the stability of nations.  However the supply should be accessible to the whole people.  The links of the food supply is illustrated below.           World trade  in rice is about 30 million tons. Leading exporters are China, Thailand, Vietnam, The United States, India and Pakistan. The United States does not produce a lot of rice, its production of rice is about 8 million tons a year, but Americans do not much consume rice that the stock and export half of its output may give status among major exporting countries.  Indonesia belongs to the importing countries with Brazil, Iraq, Bangladesh and the Arab world, and African countries are also major consumers countries. 

            Though Indonesia is not net importer, the huge number of population makes significant importer.  
Those are the reason why this country is unsecured in food . This is trying to make food supply and food production increase through various  efforts.

17 komentar:

  1. expand the area and support of government can helping indonesia from food crisis ( GEIVA )

  2. We must be created new technology to overcome problem and the role of government to support farmers for increase production.


  3. Her narrow agricultural land in Indonesia due to its existing agricultural land conversion and Indonesia's population is very dense which causes Indoneisa food crisis. This order is not Indonesian food crisis, the need for expansion in affluent areas with potentially agricultural land that produces high its production and reduces the conversion of agricultural land and the government should be involved in it. (dhedot)

  4. with over the times the mindset of farmers have changed anyway, they assume that the results of the farm is not so beneficial especially in case of crop failure, then there was a conversion of agricultural land into residential and industrial. fertilizers not to mention difficult to obtain and expensive to make farmers more screaming. need attention from the government so that farmers no trouble getting fertilizer.


  5. Why is Indonesian Food Stock
    Is So Unsecured (salah)
    Why does Indonesian Food Stock
    Is So Unsecured (benar)

    This problem is not only related to the food stocks but also linked of education, culture, and economy Indonesian people.
    it's going to be better if added some information related to education, culture, and economics. In order to obtain full information.
    by. Nicole

  6. we have to apply the advice of two kids enough, so that the land available for farming is not widespread and the population has increased.

  7. we must be able to organize, because we are rich country.


  8. may need to be considered in the farming system and continue to support the government and farmers.cullen

  9. Find the alternative foods could also be one of the solutions to cope with food shortages

  10. why us of food stocks is insufficient? us look reality, the longer Indonesian population is increasing, and now more widely young people want to work in a private company instead of helping their parents were are farmers. that automatic the food production would decrease, and the with construction of residential, roads and companies were can reduce the food production due to diversion of land use.

    so the farmers were to complain, because fluctuations in the price of fertilizer and the pesticides.

  11. actually the goverment has publish subtlety about this, but in the application distrubed by many problem,one of which is slow of development of infrastructure and lack of knowledge possessed by farmers. the conlusions is government should give much information,education and knowledge to farmers to improve cultivation techniques that can improve agricultural productivity which can minimize the disavantage.

  12. actually the goverment has publish subtlety about this, but in the application distrubed by many problem,one of which is slow of development of infrastructure and lack of knowledge possessed by farmers. the conlusions is government should give much information,education and knowledge to farmers to improve cultivation techniques that can improve agricultural productivity which can minimize the disavantage. by FONDA

  13. from time to time difference from start to reign and mindset that everyone is different, they are more concerned with needs like housing and food than the factory that made the land increasingly threatened

    The next would probably be better to also reviewed the solution

  14. from time to time difference from start to reign and mindset that everyone is different, they are more concerned with needs like housing and food than the factory that made the land increasingly threatened

    The next would probably be better to also reviewed the solution

  15. all of it back again to us as citizens of Indonesia,, if we want to stock our food is always available, the agricultural land that we have to be managed and dimnafaatkan well especially our country is a country that is fertile and rich in natural resources.

  16. I think in Indonesian food production must be increased by creating new technology more sophisticated technologies and the correct treatment.


  17. This problem will be related to other issues, such as education, politics, economics and other issues. because this is about foods. foods can make people mad.
