Sunday, November 2, 2014

10:00 PM
Acid Rain Cycle

Hydrological cycle is natural event happening by the nature. it stands to reason of human.
What is acid rain? The answer is true. Acid rain is rain that has a solution of the acid in rain water droplets. Including acid rain pollution into the ground and directly related to air pollution. It cause bad effect to nature So, it contain danger in acid rain.

Explanation of how the smoke from factories and car exhaust gas containing CO2, NO2, SO2,
attached or fused in the clouds, and the clouds and the wind blowing up to a distant place, and then when it rains, the clouds dissolve pollutant particles (constituent substances pollution) thus forming Compounds acids like H2SO4 and HNO3.
H2SO4 is another name for sulfuric acid, or better known as battery acid, and HNO3 is the epitome of nitric acid compounds belonging to the category of hard water, used to mix capable of dissolving gold as well as explosives.

Well, if the water until the soil is exposed to acid rain, then surely the land becomes infertile, dead soil microorganisms and plants would have fared so, and if the levels of acid in acid rain is very high, it can make a wall or building tiles become brittle, wah all the dangers of this acid rain,

 Maybe in it has not been too severe because rainfall levels are very high so we though clouds contain particles of pollution but not very meaningful because of the large number of water in the cloud (like a tablespoon of salt dissolved in the pool is not the salty water, different if one tablespoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water) but it turns out when seen from the increase in factories and vehicles that produce pollution in large quantities, it is not impossible if the problem of acid rain will be a serious threat to in the next few years, as is currently sweeping Europe and America countries. Impact of Acid Rain see, as a result of acid rain damaging pine forest in Europe.

How to solve the problem of acid rain? One way to overcome the problem of acid rain is to install a filter at each mill factory pollution, and reduce vehicle that produces no smoke

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