Monday, September 29, 2014

5:38 PM
Some Advantages of Guava Nutrient Contents

Guava plants eatablished in Tropical land. and it easily grows in any classification of soil. In fertile or even it can grow as pioneer plant in infertile soil. Guava is very commonly available in the tropics, but often not considered because it contains seeds. Though guava (especially the fleshy red) is very rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless there is certainly a solution to deal with seeds, one of which is by way juiced or blended. In addition to delicious and fresh, guava juice drink will give us a tremendous benefit to the health and beauty of skin.As other fruit (papaya, manggo, benana, etc) having much benefit for  health.
Here are some advantages of guava fruit juice for health:

-Nutrient Contents of Vitamins
 Vitamin B Complex which is quite good, such as pantothenic acid, niacin, and vitamin B6. Vitamin B complex has many different benefits for health.
-Advantage for Keeping blood pressure:
Other compounds that are not less important that is present in guava named Potassium is an electrolyte. Helpful potassium to help keep high blood pressure by reducing the effects of sodium. Fruits are rich in potassium are bananas other, which implies both average the same.
-Advantage to help the thyroid gland:
Guava contains mineral copper, which is very good for maintaining the function of the thyroid gland. Disruption of the function of the thyroid gland can cause many serious health problems.

-It Contains antioxidant substances:
Owing to high contents in vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. In addition, vitamin C is also required for the synthesis of collagen in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the human body, which is necessary to maintain the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Other powerful antioxidant compounds in guava is polivenol and flavonoids like beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein and cryptoxanthin. The antioxidant compounds linked to reduced risk of certain cancers, and prevention of the effects of free radical damage.
-Advantage in digestive:
 This fruit has a content of natural fibers, which are very important for lowering blood sugar levels. Another benefit of fiber is to maintain a healthy digestive system, in particular by helping to protect the intestinal mucous membrane by decreasing exposure time of toxins, as well as the binding of cancer causing chemicals in the colon and remove it along with the waste.
-Advantage in mproving the health of eye:
 Contain high beta-carotene and Vitamin A (Red guave), which has major benefits for maintaining good vision health. The same benefits in general can be obtained from eating colored foods like carrots or sweet potatoes. In addition, vitamin A is also necessary to keep the mucous membranes and skin. Consuming natural fruits rich in bekaroten also known to protect us from the problem of lung cancer.

-Advantage in absorption of nutrients:
 Content of mineral called manganese, which is essential to help the body absorb other essential nutrients from food. Adequacy of nutrition our bodies are also affected by the quality of their absorption from the food we eat. [See also: Benefits of manganese]

-Has the advantage of Relaxation:
Content of magnesium in guava, which is also useful as a relaxant. This helps to relax the muscles and nerves of the body. So after we work hard work, guava juice is that you need to relax muscles and provide a nice energy boost.

That are all for this occation we continue next posting.

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