Monday, September 22, 2014

5:35 PM
Roles of Plantation in Economic

Subsector of Plantation was acting as salvation in Indonesian economic crises in 1997 when many industries collapsed due to unable to import raw material. They could not afford to import because foreign exchange rate was high up and Indonesian rupiah down its value more than 5  times (US$ jump up to Rp.13,000. from Rp.2,500. for $ 1) While plantation remained produced and even they export their production and they earned foreign money to support Indonesia government experiencing budget and financial difficulty.  However the fate of plantation worker is not being cared by the government they work for starvation wage.

Subsector of Plantation of Agriculture Sector is very important for Indonesian foreign revenue. Products or yields of plantation are mostly exported, and the country earn foreign currency. However the welfare of workers in subsector plantation is lower compared with other subsector. It is due to the remote location of the plantation. The wage per day is 20,000. (IDR=Indonesian Rupiah) or approx. US$ 2,0. At this time the wage in big city of Indonesia is around 70,000. IDR approx.. US $ 7,0. They are never complaining this disparity of wage, they accepted it because in rural/remote area there is no other choice of employment in rural area. However, their life is looked satisfactory, peace and in harmony with their family, friends and ecology, they received it as a given. They make a very litle effort if said no to enhance their standard of life. This is contrary to their contribution to the national income.

 It should be a systematic effort to end this unjust condition. Improvement effort in management of personnel, productivity and quality of tea.
Indonesia as an agricultural country has the commodity in each sub-sector of the agricultural sub-sector include: food crops, plantations, livestock, agriculture and animal husbandry services, forestry, hunting / catching and breeding wildlife, marine fisheries, and aquaculture. A question to be addressed is the commodity of tea (Camellia sinensis) of the sub-sectors of the plantation.

Tea plant as one of plantation crops is harvested by picking the sprout or young leaves. The young leaves are then processed in several ways, that we know in the in the market there are the so called black tea, green tea, white tea, and oolong tea. White tea is the prime quality. It is prepared out of the youngest leaf picked from the peak of tea twig. The youngest leaf is famous as the pecco. Of course, the production of pecco is small in amount compared to other grades of tea production, but its price gains good grade in the market. and also people eager to drink tea water of this prime quality. Drinking this kind of tea is having special prestige in community and in social communication. This prestige is needed in gaining success among the group of excecutives.

Tea contains some of the benefits include: strengthen teeth and prevent dental caries, reduces future risk of food poisoning, enrich the immune system, prevent high blood pressure, cholesterol ward, optimizes sugar metabolism, and prevent the growth of cancer. Seeing many and important benefits of tea, be a price worth if the tea gets a high number of requests both from within and domestic.

Tea has economic value for the surrounding community and for the nation.

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