Wednesday, October 22, 2014

9:04 PM
Benefit of Bread Fruit

With the increasing awareness of the importance of health, the food consumption patterns of quality with balanced nutrition is to diversify the food on the menu daily. Diverse food becomes important because there is no one type of food that can provide complete nutrition for a person. Diverse food consumption increases the completeness of nutrient intake due to lack of nutrients from one type of food will be supplemented from other food. However, the staple food of Indonesian society still based on a single commodity, such as rice. Cultural eat rice for the population of this country is very high, even the majority of people have not had a meal if not eat rice.

Rice as one type of food that occupies the most strategic position among other food types, so there is a demand of the people that rice needs can be met. Increased demand is not balanced with the availability of rice in the country, and to meet these needs has been done through the importation of rice. While crops other carbohydrate sources such as various tubers and fruits (one of which is breadfruit) has not been used optimally. If this condition persists, sustainable national food security increasingly difficult to maintain, even though this year Indonesia managed to self-sufficiency in rice.

Another factor to be considered is the contribution of cereals, especially rice, Indonesian society in the diet at 62% . This portion is too high, because the Dietary Pattern of Good Hope, the maximum share of cereal consumption is 51%. Based on this, the staple food processing based on a variety of alternative bulbs and fruit carbohydrate sources become important to develop. One commodity source of carbohydrates from fruits that are potential to be developed is breadfruit. Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis) is a commodity source of carbohydrates.

The presence of food can cover the food shortages of rice. Breadfruit is consumed as an alternative food in January, February, and September where there is scarcity of rice. Given the spread of breadfruit in most of the Indonesian archipelago, and is rarely attacked by pests and diseases that harm, then it is possible breadfruit to be developed. Breadfruit trees begin to bear fruit after the age of five to seven years and will continue to bloom until the age of 50 years. Productivity is high enough. In one year will be obtained breadfruit as many as 400 pieces after the age of 5 to 6 years, and 700-800 pieces per year after the age of 8 years.

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