Saturday, October 18, 2014

4:01 PM
Soybean is A Better Vegetable Oil

Soybean oil is a better vegetable oil. Foods that can help lower cholesterol is one way to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Well, one of the few foods that you can select is soybean oil. These oils contain plant sterols, a type of fat that can lower total cholesterol and bad cholesterol is low-density lipoprotein (LDL) without affecting the good cholesterol (HDL).

Soybean oil affect to lower cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol absorption in the intestine.
Soybean oil give good effect to lower cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol absorption.
Oil obtained from soybeans is then filtered before being used for cooking. Although this oil does not contain isoflavones, but soybean oil contains other useful compounds.

Unlike other vegetable oils, soybean oil contains omega 3 and omega 6, which is similar to that found in marine fish oils. Research shows that omega-3 and omega 6 in soybean oil including unsaturated fats that can get rid of the blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels thus lowering high blood pressure. It can also prevent blood clotting.

Soybean oil also contains linoleic acid which is very important in life but can not be produced by the body. Several studies have shown that linoleic acid can prevent some forms of cancer including breast cancer and other cancer. But still keep in mind that all types of oils including soybean oil should not be used continuously without being replaced.

In terms of vitamins, soybean oil is a good source of some vitamins, including vitamin E, vitamin K and choline and vitamin B. One tablespoon of soybean oil contains 1.1 mg of vitamin E, meet 6 percent of the daily recommended value. Vitamin E is an antioxidant nutrient that helps protect the body's cells diseases, including heart disease. In addition, vitamin E is also essential for maintaining the function of the nervous system and treat the skin to stay healthy.

In the United States, soybean oil is the type of vegetable oil that is most consumed. This oil has a mild and good smell and soft suitable for cooking purposes. Soybean oil is a common ingredient in cakes baked commercially, accompanying food, and a salad dressing. Oil is also great as a cooking ingredients that typically require high heat. Therefore, it would not hurt to consider replacing the usual cooking oil with soybean oil for the sake of a healthy lifestyle.

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