Sunday, October 5, 2014

10:02 AM
Fiber Content of Food

Understanding Fiber Foods. The term dietary fiber must be distinguished with the term crude fiber which is commonly used in food proximate analysis preformance. Dietary fiber is a plant cell residue foodstuffs that can not be hydrolyzed by human digestive enzymes in the stomach acidity atmosphere, and the results of fermentation can not be used by body. Rough fiber is part of the food that can not be hydrolyzed by chemicals used to determine crude fiber content, such as sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Some materials are classified as dietary fiber are cellulose, hemicellulose, gum, pectin, and musilase which is a carbohydrate polymer, and materials that are not classified as carbohydrate such as lignin, waxes (night) and cutin. There are also dietary fiber derived from food additives (food additives) such as gum arabic, guar gum, alginate, carrageenan, and carboxymetil cellulose.
Dietary fiber is found in many of our daily diet such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals, such as rice, wheat, maize, and sorghum.

Based on their solubility, dietary fiber can be grouped into two, namely the water soluble fiber (soluble dietary fiber),  water insoluble (insoluble dietary fiber). Pectin, gum, musilase, and some hemilselulosa including soluble fiber because it can be dissolved in hot water. The fiber found in many fruits, vegetables and cereals, are found in many acacia gum. Cellulose, lignin and some other hemilselulosa insoluble in water. Fiber is found in many vegetables, fruits and nuts.

About a third of the total dietary fiber is a soluble dietary fiber, while the biggest group is insoluble dietary fiber. Soluble fiber, especially pectin and gum, generally has the potential for increasing the viscosity of the intestinal contents, slows the absorption of glucose and lipids by the small intestine, affecting metabollismekolesterol, as well as increase the production of short chain fatty acids in the colon (large intestine) .Water insoluble fibers have small influence on these things, but tend to affect bowel function, such as stool weight, fecal volume, frequency of stools and the transit rate in the digestive tract.

In the past, dietary fiber is only considered as an energy source is not available (non-available energy source) and is only known to have a laxative effect stomach.
However, various studies have reported an association between fiber intake and incidence of incidence of various diseases including colon cancer, disease kardiovskuler, and obesity. Therefore, let us make it a habit to consume dietary fiber.

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