Friday, October 17, 2014

5:56 AM
The Importance of Preservation of Living

Nature of Indonesia has various living things (Vegetation and Animals). Animal and plant conservation efforts can be conducted through preservation in situ and ex situ conservation.

A. The Preservation In Situ
Preservation in situ is carried preservation at the site of the original animal or plant. Examples of preservation in situ is wildlife conservation resorts as protected forests and national parks.

B. Ex Situ Conservation
Preservation ex situ conservation is carried out where the original on the plants or animals. This was done because animals and plants lose their original residence. In addition, ex situ conservation is done as a rehabilitation efforts, breeding, and breeding of rare animals and plants. Examples of ex situ conservation include botanical gardens, the Safari Park, the zoo, and breeding sites.

Some places the preservation of endangered animals are:
1. Nature Reserve: a place that protects plants or animals that are endangered.
2. Sanctuary: a place that protect animals endangered animals
3. zoo: a location that is used as a research object or attraction that has a collection of flora and fauna or the living and rare or not.

The goal of the effort to conserve animals and plants are:
1. Maintain the balance of the ecosystem so the life continues to run well
2. Conserving biodiversity (living things) that benefit for science and society development.
3. Meet the needs of the community, such as for groceries, medicine and building
4. Create an environment that is comfortable and reduce air pollution with the growth of various kinds of trees
5. Can be used as a place of entertainment to be made as a recreational park and zoos.

For these goals are establishing:

1. A natural,  the area of ​​the protection of plants and animals are already scarce
2. Resort for wildlife are areas that protect animals - endangered animals
3. Resort of captivity is an  empowering rare plants and animals.
4.  Parks is a region that has a natural ecosystems  that is used for knowledge development.
Recommendation and ordered by government.
1. Not to keep endangered animals
2. Do not do illegal logging
3. Stopping illegal fishing
4. Stop the activity of hunt animals or endangered plant
5. Plant a tree and take care of vegetation
And much more other efforts to conserve the nature especially living thing for aour needs in the future generation.

Let us conserve the nature for better future.

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