Sunday, October 12, 2014

9:20 PM

Various Kinds of  Monocots Plants

Based on the form of seeds, plants can be divided into two groups: dicotyledonous plants and monocotyledonous plants. Both certainly have a very clear distinction. The difference lies in the number of seeds, roots, leaf structure, rod shape, presence or absence of cambium, xylem transport, and the shape of the flowers.
When we talk about the monocot plants means that we will discuss about the diversity of plant species. This time we will discuss about the kinds monocot plants and scattered throughout the world.

Monocot plants generally have fibrous roots, seeds can not divide because there is only one leaves the institution, bone align leaves, and flowers crown number 3 or multiples thereof.
All sorts of monocot plants are used as a source of food, industrial raw materials, energy sources vegetable dyes, indoor decoration, housing materials, media writing and raw materials for making clothes. Type of monocot plants can also be distinguished on several types of tribes, namely:

• Tribe Palmae.
Characteristics of plant palmae tribe or tribal proposal betel-leaves are pinnate or bone shaped like a fan, unbranched stems, flowers or similar to coral  located on the right at the end of the stem or leaves armpits. Examples of plants of Palmae rate among various species of palm, rattan, palm, bark, palm oil, coconut, palm, palm trees and sago.

• Tribe Zingiberaceae.
Characteristics tribe Zingiberaceae plants or gingers are embraced by the trunk looks like a leaf midrib, spiral-shaped leaves and intermittent, and the stem grows from rhizomes. Examples of plant parts gingers include turmeric, ginger.

• Tribe Gramineae
Characteristics tribe Gramineae plants or grasses are each stem segment attached leaves, flowers of similar grain assisted wind pollination, and the ribbon-shaped leaves and parallel veins. Examples of plant parts include citronella grass, bamboo smear, and bamboo.

• Tribe Musaceae
Characteristics of plant parts or banana-Pisangan musaceae is a pseudo stem, bone pinnate leaves and slender lancet shaped, coral-like flowers a lot. Examples of plants of banana. Among various types of bananas such as bananas, ornamental bananas and banana fan.

• Tribe Bromeliaceae
Characteristics of plant parts or pineapple-nanasan bromeliadceae is a flower coral and bone pinnate leaves with small spikes on the edge of the leaves. Examples of this tribe is the pineapple plant.

• Tribe Orchidaceae
Characteristics orchideae or orchid plant parts-leaves is meat with a flat edge, roots rhizomes, flowers crown three pieces, and most of the plants of this tribe lives by riding on other plants.
Life epifitnya it becomes possible because it has special cells that are able to attach to other plants. Examples of plant parts are the different kinds of orchids and vanilla.

• Tribe Amarilidaceae
Characteristics of plant parts or lily amarilidaceae is elongated leaves, hollow and seem cramped. Many plants of this ethnic group the group of vegetable plants, ornamental plants, spices, and natural herbs for treatment. Examples of this tribe of plants including garlic, shallots, onions and daffodils.

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